Call Erin Evans at 513-494-4678 ext. 1005 to schedule your child's Baptism.
Saturday: 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Thursday: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Anytime upon request, please call 513-494-4678
There are no confessions on Holy Thursday, or if the Thursday falls on a civic holiday.
First Eucharist (First Holy Communion) is usually received in the second grade. If your child attends a public school and is needing Parish Religious Education to receive the sacraments, please email Julie McDonald at: [email protected] or call 513-494-4678 ext. 1009.
If you you or your child is needing to be confirmed, please contact Julie McDonald at 513-484-4678 ext. 1009 or email: [email protected]. Anyone needing to be confirmed must have proof of baptism. Click here for more information.
The bride or groom must contact the pastor before a wedding date is set. Please call 513-494-4678, ext. 1029. Weddings are unable to be scheduled during the Advent and Lent liturgical seasons.
Please call the parish office at 513-494-4678 if you or a loved one is going into the hospital, having surgery, or is ill. If you have a sacramental emergency after hours, please call (513) 910-3971.
Priesthood: Have you ever thought of becoming a priest? A permanent deacon?
Religious Life: Have you ever thought of becoming a religious brother or sister? If you feel called to consider a life of service for Christ and His church, feel free to talk with our pastor, Fr. Matthew Robben, or any one of our Family priests or Deacon Mark Madden. You can also contact the Vocation Office for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati at (513) 421-3131 x2890.