April 9 – Via Creationes-The Via Creationis is a new prayer to celebrate and contemplate Creation. Just as the Way of the Cross commemorates the mystery of the Passion, the Via Creationis commemorates the mystery of Creation. It does so by “reading” the two sacred books that God wrote, the Book of the Scripture and the Book of Nature, to appreciate the great mystery of God’s creation of the cosmos. We will view each station from: Via Creationis: contemplating the mystery of Creation - Laudato Si' Movement (laudatosimovement.org)
2nd Wednesday monthly zoom meetings:
6:30pm Prayer Time followed from 7 - 8:00 pm meeting
Zoom link remains the same for each meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85262477784?pwd=alFsZFZGNWZCOHVuUGJ2ZDdtSDVoQT09